NORTH "Everyone Carries Their Own Idea Of North With Them"
INSURANCE | Stan Chisolm, Carla Fisher Scwartz, and Amy Reidel, Robert Long
LAUNCH PAD | Commissioned sculpture by Raphael E. Vera | A presentation of Glenn Gould's "The Solitude Trilogy" (1967-77) with a screening of a curated set of projections by all five artists in partnership with the Transversal Project.
STUDIO LAND ARTS | (Di)Vision of Landscape and Memory presents an exploration of the past, present, and future of the G-CADD campus. Featuring a walking tour guided by Michael Mcinerney and Ginger Fett of The Granite City Chronicle.
ASPRIN | Freezer Burn 10 Year Retrospective and Comprehensive Immersion curated by Mister Ben.
G-CADD GROUNDS | Live Iron Pour and demonstration presented by Six Mile Sculpture Works, Alfresco Productions, and Granite City Fire Department. Industrial Fabulism presented by CHIZMO.TV featuring: Kevin Harris audio/video installation, JANET video installation/DVD release, Kingston Family Singers/Mister Ben/Kevin Harris live performance, Eric Hall audio/video installation, MAXCORP audio/video installation, Darian Wigfall audio/video installation, Luke Herbert audio/video installation, Chad Eivins audio/video installation. Live piano plying in the Beer Garden by Amy Seibert.
G-CADD EXHIBITION 2 is sponsored by Jackson Pianos and Degonia Brothers Beer (Granite City)